Mrs MacGowan




Welcome to Hazel and Willow's class page.

Hazel class is year 1, taught by Mrs Dickinson and Mr Hazel. 

Willow class is year 2, taught by Mrs MacGowan 


Summer Term

This term in Hazel and Willow class we are looking forward to the weather brightening up so we can spend time learning outdoors. In Science this term, we are learning all about the human body. We will be looking at our senses, basic needs and growth. This links in with our English where we will be focusing our writing around the story 'Funny Bones', creating our own version of the story using a variety of descriptive tools. In Geography, we will be looking at medicine around the world and linking  this to our History, where we will be looking at key individuals in medicine such as Florence Nightingale, Marie Seacole and Marie Curie.  We will also be learning to play a variety of tune and un-tuned instruments, using body percussion and composing our own music.

We love reading at our school and we work especially hard on our reading development in year 1 and 2. Each year we compete in our Readathon challenge, to encourage a love for reading and have the opportunity to read with the older children in the school. We love books at our school and in our classrooms as we have great access to a variety of books and visit our school library often. 

We spend a lot of time outdoors at our school and we even spend a lot of time learning outdoors. We also enjoy our regular visits to Mount Amelia (a local manor house and it's grounds) where we take part in outdoor activities and take our learning outdoors! 


 To see our learning for this term and the rest of the academic year, click the links below;

We are currently in Year B


Our new rolling plans for Year A/B


Meet the Teacher Slides

September Willow Class

September  Hazel Class

Year 1 Phonics Screening Check 

In the Summer term of Year 1, children they will have their Year 1 Phonics Screening Check. This test is taken in every school across the country to assess how well children can apply their phonetic sounds and identify whether they need additional support. The check consists of 40 words and non-words (alien words) that your child will be asked to read independently. Your child will need to read these with the correct sounds to show that they understand the phonics rules behind them. Children need to score 32/40 to pass.  

Attached is a list of the phonetic sounds that your children will need to identify and apply to their reading. Each sound has a picture underneath to support the correct pronunciation of the sound. We kindly ask that the children practice these over the half term. 



Activities in Hazel and Willow class